Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The brainless wave...

Do you think we might be able to create a whole generation of completely useless individuals? People that can't do arithmatic, read or possibly even write? I'm not talking about those people that just haven't learned. I'm talking about all the people that are literally a waste of skin that want to do nothing but laze around. They sit on welfare. They watch TV all day. And we have to pay for it.

And why is there no outrage about this?

We bitch and complain and force Russia to leave the little country of Georgia because "what they are doing is wrong", yet we allow people to be completely useless?

Maybe all these environmentalists should get out of their fancy electric cars and face the reality that there are more pressing issues than whether we all change over to electric cars (which will never happen) or not.

Enough Said.

- The BITCH -

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