Sunday, September 28, 2008

Coon Cheese - Next to face the Racist beheading block?

Okay, I know that Australia is a wonderful place because it has so few people, and for so long it has been untouched by the monstrosities that have haunted North American countries for years, but I think in one giant leap, Australia is trying to catch up with Big Brother - aka - the USA.  

Coon Cheese has been a part of the Australian food experience for years.  It has never been used in a negative connotation.  On the contrary, Coon Cheese was not named after the slang that originated in America - Not Australia where it was created, and defended for many years.  It was actually named after the creator of a fast and easier creation process for cheese - a gentleman by the name of Edward Coon.

So now judges are ruling that this is a derogatory remark, and it should be changed.  Are they saying that everyone who has a name that may be considered derogatory should have their name changed too?  

And who is going to pay the millions of dollars that it is going to cost to rebrand a company that is no longer allowed to use their own name?  And what will happen when those 'precious' people that can't leave well enough alone can't get their favorite cheese?  Will they finally realize what wankers they really have been, and get a life?

I doubt it.  Pigs will surely fly before then.  That is if someone isn't offended that pigs are actually flying and threatens to sue them for misrepresentation.  

Get a life people.  Stomp on those precious or delicate little feelings that you have and realize that life wouldn't be nearly as interesting without all the little things that annoy you.  Hell, I wouldn't have near as much fun if I didn't have stupid people to pick on every day.

Enough said.

- The BITCH -

Saturday, September 6, 2008

People and their pissiness.

Why is it, that when people are doing something that they 'should' be enjoying - they look miserable, and act like complete twits?  

And why must runners look down upon everyone else from their high freaking horse? (You might have a great body, but I still hope you drop dead.)

Cyclists - well they can't bother to ding a bell to let you know they are coming, but then yell at you as they try to run you off the road.

And what about those walkers?  Well if you get a gaggle of bitchy women - on the walking paths, sidewalks or in the shopping centres, will they move?  Oh no.  They have to walk five across and leave you with barely enough room to squeeze between the garbage bin and the railing.

If you have a kid, or kids, don't take your god damn stroller to the shopping centre on December 24th!  (Which by the way isn't one of those small things.  No.  Quite the opposite.  These things are built like tanks now, with enough storage to cart food to feed the army for a week.)

And keep your kids on a leash (yes I said that correctly) and quiet.  The last thing I want to hear is thirty screaming kids when I'm trying to eat an overpriced hamburger on my day off at the shopping centre.

Enough said.

- The BITCH - 

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Finger Eleven and other odds and ends.

Well on the day where it seems like America's Patriot Act of 2002 is finally going to be enacted for the first time, I'm not going talk about how crazy it is to start to imprison people for the 'act of attempting to riot in aid of a terrorist act' or something crazy along those lines.

I'm not going to tell American people that they are losing their minds if they let this act pass without a riot of their own - because their own right to free speech is slowly washing down the drain.

I'm not even going to bitch about how Palin, a mayor of a small Alaskan town was chosen to be McCain's running mate (a female of course) when Obama couldn't even choose a female, decided to rip right into Obama and literally rip him a new one (which we all know he needed, as he's been thinking that this is his just because he's black.).  (On another note, what is Obama going to do if he doesn't win?  Sue the Americans for racism?? Just a thought).

No, I'm going to talk about how nice of a change it is to watch Finger Eleven's new video - talking to the walls.  How it was a shock to see the guys standing around in a circle, being filmed by random fans in possession of video cameras, and how the video was made up of that, and not some high paid movie star running around squirting perfume and attempting to seduce every person to buy it. 

(I love Anne Hathaway as well as Kiera Knightly - but hell, it's like watching paint dry in comparison to Charlize Theron's rendition of the new J'adore commercial.  Hell, I even want to buy the stuff after watching a gorgeous Charlize strut down the hall ripping diamonds and gold off her body while walking all over it.)

So what is my verdict today?  Let me make it simple.

Obama = Idiot.  (Complete fuckwit if I could really say what I wanted to.)

Palin = Brilliant female.  (But then McCain got it right...we all know that behind every man is a brilliant female.

Finger Eleven - Underrated and although not spending thousands on their music videos, well worth the time spent to watch them.

Charlize Theron - Oh Mama.... (need I say more?)

Anne Hathaway and Kiera Knightly - Still need to grow up, but hell, when they do...

Enough Said.

- The BITCH - 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Even Oprah is getting it right.

Americans and Canadians are too wishy washy. They never say what they want, then bitch and moan behind closed doors about what they don't get.

Not enough sex. (In the bedroom you moron - we already get more than we need on TV)
No raise at work.
The guy they like doesn't ask them out. (Really, you know he's just going to be an ass anyways, so why do you bother?)

Now is getting things right for a change.

Americans and Canadians expect others to read their minds and give them what they want. But other nationalities - Australians for example, are too busy bitching, complaining and getting what they want to spend any time on the poor little North Americans.

So think about what they say, and say what you mean for a god damn change. Stop bitching at me for saying what's on my mind rather than dropping hints because I know damn well you are just jealous that I'm getting what I want while you aren't.

So check out this article, and stop bitching at me for telling you where the bear sh*ts in the bucket.

Enough said.

- The BITCH -

Monday, September 1, 2008

Q & A Period - Homophobic Free Zones??

Well it seems like a reader has a question as to why I am devoting so much of my time to girl band bashing when more political and social issues are at hand.  And while it is a very good question, the BITCH only has one answer.  

Because I want to.  (What issue is more pressing than the feminine being being undermined by self absorbed wenches that want the fame, and don't care what they show or who they screw to do it.)

But seeing as this concerned reader has brought an issue in one of my favorite cities - Sydney, Australia - to the forefront of mind, it's time I addressed it.

These so called homophobic zones that Sydney is imposing are an absolute sham.  What do they really think that pulling a stunt like this is going to do?  Create more understanding and less bashing?  On the contrary, an idiotic move like this is only going to create more anger and animosity between business owners, people and of course the gays.  Yes I will say it.  It's not a derogatory term when it is used correctly.  

What the government will do is ultimately set back the integration of the gay and lesbian communities by segregating them like the Americans did to the Blacks years ago.  

The Verdict?  

An absolute atrocity that should have the actual idiots that are trying to pass these 'homophobic-free' zones from the realm of the imagined to reality should be taken out back and shot.

Enough Said.

- The BITCH -