And why must runners look down upon everyone else from their high freaking horse? (You might have a great body, but I still hope you drop dead.)
Cyclists - well they can't bother to ding a bell to let you know they are coming, but then yell at you as they try to run you off the road.
And what about those walkers? Well if you get a gaggle of bitchy women - on the walking paths, sidewalks or in the shopping centres, will they move? Oh no. They have to walk five across and leave you with barely enough room to squeeze between the garbage bin and the railing.
If you have a kid, or kids, don't take your god damn stroller to the shopping centre on December 24th! (Which by the way isn't one of those small things. No. Quite the opposite. These things are built like tanks now, with enough storage to cart food to feed the army for a week.)
And keep your kids on a leash (yes I said that correctly) and quiet. The last thing I want to hear is thirty screaming kids when I'm trying to eat an overpriced hamburger on my day off at the shopping centre.
Enough said.
- The BITCH -
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