Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Even Oprah is getting it right.

Americans and Canadians are too wishy washy. They never say what they want, then bitch and moan behind closed doors about what they don't get.

Not enough sex. (In the bedroom you moron - we already get more than we need on TV)
No raise at work.
The guy they like doesn't ask them out. (Really, you know he's just going to be an ass anyways, so why do you bother?)

Now is getting things right for a change.

Americans and Canadians expect others to read their minds and give them what they want. But other nationalities - Australians for example, are too busy bitching, complaining and getting what they want to spend any time on the poor little North Americans.

So think about what they say, and say what you mean for a god damn change. Stop bitching at me for saying what's on my mind rather than dropping hints because I know damn well you are just jealous that I'm getting what I want while you aren't.

So check out this article, and stop bitching at me for telling you where the bear sh*ts in the bucket.

Enough said.

- The BITCH -

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