First of all - Who the hell is Joe Biden?
What happens? They tear each other apart while the competition, a good old boy from Texas, McCain runs without contest.
Obama wins over Clinton, and we have our candidate, although against all odds, he does the unthinkable. He chooses a senator Joe Biden to be his running mate.
Has he lost his fucking mind? I mean Hillary Clinton almost stole this campaign out of his hands, and while he claims she will be a great person to have in his senate, he won't run with her? What BS is this?
Only in America.
Oh, and as the icing on the cake, McCain is using this unthinkable decision on Obama's part as fodder for his new commercials. Isn't it great how one stupid decision will completely undermine the first chance that the American's have had for a change in the White House?
Enough Said.
- The BITCH -
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