Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kathcafire - CD Review

Say What You're Thinking?

I say bring it on.   This album is a brilliant combination of New Zealand reggae and island flavor, allowing you to chill out and enjoy!  

Although some people will think it's politically incorrect...there are thoughtful lyrics, beautiful melodies and harmonies, as well as amazing musical talent are at the forefront of this album.

While the laid back beach cultures in both America and Australia have caught on and are allowing this band to have their day, the rest of the world has their head up their asses thinking that there is nothing to it.  

They aren't pop-py.  They aren't going to follow the record companies formula of having their chorus in the first 30 seconds.  (You didn't know this?  Take a listen to some of your favorite songs on the radio and get a clue!) They don't strip in their videos, and they are not a fashion parade or show.  

(thank god - even though in no way shape or form am I religious.  Let's get that straight.)

Let's say they got it right, in the vein of Bob Marley and we should be giving them the credit they deserve.  

So get off your ass and buy the album.  

Yes, Right now.  

Enough Said.

- The BITCH - 

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