I know that they are impatient. We all are.
I know they have a smaller vehicle that can fit inbetween cars. So do people!
I know they like to aggrevate car drivers. We all have our moments.
What they don't seem to realize is that all their high speed daring antics are:
1. Going to kill themselves. (But not before they take out a few unsuspecting people first!)
2. They make the hatred for motorcycles inbred into every car driver! (Bad for those of us who ride motorcycles in a sane sense.)
3. And finally, they are just a pain in the ass.
If you ride a motorcycle...act like a freaking human being.
And for that motorcyclist that almost killed me the other day...wait until I find you. You'll never ride the same again....
Enough Said.
- The BITCH -
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